Nasal Surgery

Whether you suffer from sinusitis or one of your kids stuck a Lego® up their nose, the board-certified team of ear, nose, and throat specialists at Beach Cities ENTS, in Torrance, California, offers expert nasal surgeries to address the condition. The team has years of experience in diagnosing conditions and performing minimally invasive and traditional operations to correct issues such as nasal polyps and chronic inflammation. If you’re looking for an expert ear, nose, and throat surgeon, call Beach Cities ENTS in the South Bay or schedule a consultation online today.

Why would I need nasal surgery?

There are many reasons why your doctor at Beach Cities ENTS might recommend nasal surgery. 

For example, you might have nasal polyps or a deviated septum that interfere with your ability to breathe and cause chronic inflammation and congestion. You may have a problem with your turbinates, the small structures that moisturize and clean the air you breath. 

Your doctor may also recommend nasal surgery if you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, nasal surgery doesn’t treat OSA on its own. As part of a greater treatment plan, nasal surgery can improve airflow, sleep quality, and CPAP compliance. 

What are the different types of nasal surgery?

The team at Beach Cities ENTS provides a wide range of nasal surgeries, including:

  • Cautery of nosebleeds

  • Nasal polyp removal

  • Septoplasty

  • Removal of nasal tumors

  • Turbinate reduction

  • Foreign body removal

They offer comprehensive exams and pre-surgical constellations before recommending any nasal surgery.

How should I prepare for nasal surgery?

Your doctor gives you specific instructions on how to prepare for nasal surgery. For example, you may need to avoid eating or drinking for a certain amount of time before your procedure if you’re going to have general anesthesia. You may also need to stop taking certain medications that could increase your risk of bleeding.

Make sure that a friend or family member can drive you home from your appointment. You should also make sure that you have everything you need to recover at home.

What should I expect while recovering from nasal surgery?

Following nasal surgery, your doctor gives you aftercare instructions. When you get home, take a day or two to rest and recover. 

In most cases, you should be able to get back to your regular activities within a few days, although you should avoid strenuous physical activity for around a week. It’s common to have some swelling, congestion, and bloody drainage for five to seven days after surgery. 

Despite the drainage and congestion, you should avoid blowing your nose for at least 24 hours after nasal surgery. Your doctor may recommend that you sleep with your head elevated to reduce drainage and discomfort. 

If you’re looking for expert nasal surgeons, call Beach Cities ENTS or make an appointment online today